The new morals and manners of the 1920s were reflected in

A. women's fashion
B. the great migration
C. the new factory jobs
D. Politics

Americans responded to the Selective Service Act

A. with enthusiasm
B. with antiwar riots
C. by refusing to register
D. by becoming conscientious objectors

How did life change for American women in the 1920s?

A. Many women felt freer to experiment with bolder styles and manners

B. Married women found it much easier to balance careers and family life

C. Most women grew long hair and stopped using makeup

D. Women began to dominate the work force, often taking leadership positions

The Farmer's Alliance

A. lobbied for a graduated income tax

B. aggressively lobbied against the insurance

C. supported private ownership of the railroads

D. opposed the populist party

My answers: A,B, A & D

Part 2: At the turn of the twentieth century most Americans began reading Greek and Roman classical literature

True or false

Her settlement house helped poor people and new immigrants with necessities such as food and clothing and also served as a social service center

A. Addams
B. Gladden
C. Raushenbusch
D. Moody

This late 1800s legislation resulted from nativism and primarily affected the Western part of the U.S.

A. Indian Relocation Act
B. Homestead Act
C. Dawes Act
D. Chinese Exclusion Act

Which of the following was NOT true of cowboys who traveled along the Chisholm trail?

A. They often had trial names such as "Teddy Bear" and "Busted Snoot Johnny"

B. They traveled along the trial in search of trading opportunities

C. They weren't affiliated with either Union or Confederate

D. they came from a variety of ethnic and national backgrounds

How did John D. Rockefeller gain control of the oil industry?

A. He formed a trust
B. He practiced horizontal integration
C. He joined a cartel
D. He practiced free trade

Nativism refers to theU.S. government policy toward native Americans during the late 1800s

True or False

My answers: True, A, C, A, B & False

yes it is indeed correct that the philosophical procreations of my inner mind are very well deformed and plagued with torment. I could only wish so upon those who I feel pitty for in return for their mere being of a waste, a profanity of a human pupile.

The new morals and manners of the 1920s were reflected in:

A. Women's fashion

To answer this question, you would need to study the fashion trends of the 1920s and understand how they evolved during that time period. You can research fashion magazines, photographs, and articles from that era to find evidence of how women's fashion reflected the changing morals and manners.

Americans responded to the Selective Service Act:

B. With antiwar riots

To determine the response to the Selective Service Act, you would need to study historical accounts and primary sources from that time period. Look for reports of protests, riots, or any other forms of dissent related to the Selective Service Act.

How did life change for American women in the 1920s?

A. Many women felt freer to experiment with bolder styles and manners

To understand how life changed for American women in the 1920s, you would need to study historical accounts and primary sources. Look for evidence of women's changing roles, attitudes, and behaviors during that time period.

The Farmer's Alliance:

C. Supported private ownership of the railroads

To determine the goals and actions of the Farmer's Alliance, you would need to study historical accounts and primary sources. Look for evidence of the organization advocating for or against certain policies and positions.

At the turn of the twentieth century, most Americans began reading Greek and Roman classical literature:


To determine the reading habits of Americans at the turn of the twentieth century, you would need to research historical accounts, literary publications, and surveys from that time period. Look for evidence of what types of literature were popular or widely read during that era.

Her settlement house helped poor people and new immigrants with necessities such as food and clothing and also served as a social service center:

A. Addams

To determine the specific settlement house associated with the given description, you would need to research the work of various social reformers and settlement house founders. Look for evidence of their activities and impacts in poor communities and among new immigrants.

This late 1800s legislation resulted from nativism and primarily affected the Western part of the U.S.:

D. Chinese Exclusion Act

To determine which legislation resulted from nativism and primarily affected the Western part of the U.S., you would need to study the history of immigration laws and policies during the late 1800s. Look for evidence of discriminatory legislation targeting specific immigrant groups.

Which of the following was NOT true of cowboys who traveled along the Chisholm trail?

B. They traveled along the trail in search of trading opportunities

To determine the characteristics and motivations of cowboys on the Chisholm trail, you would need to study historical accounts and primary sources. Look for evidence of their activities, roles, and goals during that time period.

How did John D. Rockefeller gain control of the oil industry?

A. He formed a trust

To understand how John D. Rockefeller gained control of the oil industry, you would need to study his business strategies and historical accounts of the oil industry during that time period. Look for evidence of his formation of trusts and other tactics he employed.

Nativism refers to the U.S. government policy toward native Americans during the late 1800s:


Nativism refers to the opposition to immigration and the favoring of native-born individuals in a country. It does not specifically refer to government policies toward Native Americans. To understand the concept of nativism and its historical context, you can study the history of immigration policies and attitudes towards immigrants during the late 1800s.