120 meters of fencing is used to fence 3 sides of a dog park against an existing wall. if the width of the park is w, find the length of the field in terms of w

To solve this problem, we can set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the length of the field is L and the width is W.

According to the problem, 120 meters of fencing is used to fence 3 sides of the dog park, which means the fence is not needed on the side where there is an existing wall. So, we have two sides of length L and one side of length W.

To find the length of the field in terms of W, we need to write an equation based on the given information.

The equation for the perimeter of the dog park is:

2L + W = 120

Here, 2L represents the two sides without the existing wall, and W represents the side along the wall.

Now, let's solve this equation for L in terms of W:

2L = 120 - W
L = (120 - W)/2

Therefore, the length of the field (L) in terms of the width (W) is:

L = (120 - W)/2