Fill in the blank to make the two fractions equivalent.

?/24 =3/4

my answer



Ms. Sue can you help me

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liylhygjgggchmvm vbnfmxmhtd, 4/5

To determine the missing number in the fraction that would make it equivalent to 3/4, you need to find the common denominator between the two fractions.

The denominators for the fractions given are 24 and 4, with the common denominator being 24 since it is a multiple of both denominators.

To find the missing numerator, you need to see what number you need to multiply 4 by to get 24.

4 x ? = 24

Divide 24 by 4:

24 ÷ 4 = 6

Therefore, the missing numerator in the fraction is 6.

6/24 = 3/4

So, the answer to the blank is 6, not 18 as you stated.