
I'm not sure If its right

log3 (x-9)=3

x= 9+27

second one is correct.

log ( 3 ) ( x - 9 ) = 3 Divide both sides by log ( 3 )

x - 9 = 3 / log ( 3 )

x = 3 / log ( 3 ) + 9

To solve the equation log[3](x-9) = 3, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the equation using the logarithmic identity. For any base "b," if log[b](y) = x, then b^x = y. In this case, since the base is 3, we can rewrite the equation as 3^3 = (x-9).

Step 2: Solve for x. We have 3^3 = (x-9). Simplify the left side of the equation: 27 = x-9.

Step 3: Solve for x by isolating it on one side of the equation. Add 9 to both sides: 27 + 9 = x-9 + 9. Simplify: 36 = x.

So, the solution to the equation log[3](x-9) = 3 is x = 36, not x = 72.