Can you check these last sentences on the same theme? Thank you very much, Writeacher.

1) The server always calls his score first. If the server wins the first point, he gets a score of 15. The second point is called 30. The third point is called 40 and game is won when the score goes back to love.
2) If the score is 40-40, also known as deuce, one side must win by two points. Advantage-In means if the server wins the next point, he wins the game. Advantage-Out means the receiver has a chance to win the game on the next point.

1) The server always calls his score first. If the server wins the first point, he gets a score of 15. The second point is called 30. The third point is called 40, and game is won when the score goes back to love.

2) If the score is 40-40, also known as deuce, one side must win by two points. Advantage-In means that if the server wins the next point, he wins the game. Advantage-Out means the receiver has a chance to win the game on the next point.

1) The sentences in your first example are mostly correct, but there is a small error in the last sentence. Instead of saying "and game is won when the score goes back to love," it should be "and the game is won when the score goes back to love." Here's a breakdown of the correct sentence:

"The server always calls his score first. If the server wins the first point, he gets a score of 15. The second point is called 30. The third point is called 40, and the game is won when the score goes back to love."

To check sentence structure and ensure accuracy, you can follow these steps:

- Determine the subject of the sentence: In this case, it is "the game."
- Identify the verb: Here, it is "is won."
- Check for any necessary conjunctions or punctuation: In this sentence, you have correctly used the conjunction "and" before stating the condition for winning the game.
- Make sure all other words and phrases are in their correct form and order: In this case, the sentence is grammatically correct, and the words are arranged logically.

2) The sentences in your second example are correct. Here is a breakdown of the first sentence:

"If the score is 40-40, also known as deuce, one side must win by two points."

- The subject of the sentence is "one side."
- The verb is "must win."
- The phrase "by two points" provides additional information about how the side can win.

And here's a breakdown of the second sentence:

"Advantage-In means if the server wins the next point, he wins the game. Advantage-Out means the receiver has a chance to win the game on the next point."

- The first part introduces the meaning of "Advantage-In".
- The second part explains the result if the server wins the next point.
- The third part introduces the meaning of "Advantage-Out".
- The fourth part explains the result if the receiver wins the next point.

To check sentence structure and ensure accuracy, you can use the same steps as described for the first sentence. By following these steps, you can easily verify the correctness of your sentences and make any necessary corrections.