for the equation y = 1x - 25, will the value of y increase or decrease as x increases?

write an equation in words and in symbols to represent this situation: Grace has $100.She is buying charms for her bracelet that cost $5 each.Write an equation showing the relationship between the number of charms (c)she buys and the amount of money she has left (l)<----letter L

For the equation y=1×-25,will the value of y increase or decrease as x increases?

To determine whether the value of y will increase or decrease as x increases for the equation y = 1x - 25, we can analyze the equation.

In the given equation, y = 1x - 25, the coefficient of x is 1.

When the coefficient of x is positive, as it is in this case (1x), it means that as x increases, the value of y will also increase.

Therefore, as x increases, the value of y will increase for the equation y = 1x - 25.