ok in my class we are reading the book called "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton. On my worksheet it asked " what does red ears mean in chapter 3?" PLZ HELP ME!

what is the question?

what does red ears mean in chapter 3?

give me the passage its from or like write the paragraph its used in


To find out what red ears mean in Chapter 3 of "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton, you can follow these steps:

1. Read Chapter 3 of the book carefully, paying close attention to any mention of red ears.
2. Look for any descriptions or actions related to red ears that might provide context or clues.
3. Understand the overall plot or theme of the story up until this point, as it may help in interpreting the meaning of red ears.
4. Analyze the characters involved in the scene where red ears are mentioned. Consider their personalities, feelings, and relationships.
5. Identify any patterns or recurring motifs in the book that might give insight into the significance of red ears.
6. If necessary, refer back to previous chapters in order to gather more information about the context in which red ears are mentioned.
7. Take note of any other literary devices or symbols used in the story that might relate to the red ears.
8. Consider the author's writing style and possible intentions for incorporating red ears into the narrative.
9. Once you have gathered all the relevant information and analyzed the context, characters, motifs, and author's style, you should be able to form an interpretation or explanation for what red ears mean in Chapter 3 of "The Outsiders."

Keep in mind that literature is often open to interpretation, so your answer may vary depending on how you analyze the text.