The author of a book was told that he would have to cut the number of pages by 21% for the book to sell at a popular price and still make a profit. If the finished book contained 340 pages, how many pages were in the original forms?




i mean 1619 pages

To find the original number of pages, we need to calculate the percentage by which the book was reduced.

Original number of pages = X

The book was asked to be reduced by 21%, which means 21% of the original number of pages were cut.

Therefore, the number of pages cut = 21% of X

Now, we can calculate the number of pages after the reduction by subtracting the number of pages cut from the original number of pages:

Number of pages after reduction = X - (21% of X) = X - (0.21 * X)

According to the given information, the number of pages after reduction is 340.

Equating this, we get:
X - (0.21 * X) = 340

Now, we can solve for X:

0.79 * X = 340

Divide both sides by 0.79:

X = 340 / 0.79

Using a calculator, we can find that:

X ≈ 430

Therefore, the original form of the book had approximately 430 pages.

To solve this problem, we need to find the number of pages in the original manuscript before it was reduced by 21%.

Let's denote the original number of pages as "x."

According to the problem, the author was told to cut the number of pages by 21%. This means the final book contained only 100% - 21% = 79% of the original number of pages.

We can express this mathematically as:

Final number of pages = Original number of pages * (1 - 21%)

Given that the final number of pages is 340, we can write the equation as:

340 = x * (1 - 0.21)

Simplifying the right side of the equation gives:

340 = x * 0.79

To solve for x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.79:

x = 340 / 0.79

Evaluating the right side of the equation gives:

x ≈ 430.38

Therefore, the original manuscript had approximately 430 pages.