Maggie's surprise gift weighs between 8.48 grams and 11.25 grams. Which of these weights could be the weight of the gift?

8.19 Grams
8.75 grams
11.47 grams
11.75 grams

How would I show my work on paper for this?

Which number is between 8.48 and 11.25?

To determine which of these weights could be the weight of the gift, we need to compare them to the given range of 8.48 grams to 11.25 grams.

On a piece of paper, you can write down the given range of weights first:

Weight range: 8.48 g - 11.25 g

Next, go through each option and determine if it falls within the given range. As you go through each option, cross out the ones that are definitely outside of the range, and circle the ones that could be the weight of the gift.

Let's go through the options one by one:

Option 1: 8.19 grams
This weight is less than 8.48 grams, so it is outside the given range. Cross it out.

Option 2: 8.75 grams
This weight is between 8.48 grams and 11.25 grams, so it could be the weight of the gift. Circle it.

Option 3: 11.47 grams
This weight is greater than 11.25 grams, so it is outside the given range. Cross it out.

Option 4: 11.75 grams
This weight is greater than 11.25 grams, so it is outside the given range. Cross it out.

Now, you can see that the only weight that falls within the given range is 8.75 grams. So, that is the weight that could be the weight of Maggie's surprise gift.