Which of the following statements best describes how Zaroff justifies hunting human beings?

To determine how Zaroff justifies hunting human beings, one would need to reference the source material where Zaroff's character is described or explained. In this case, it appears that Zaroff is a character from the short story "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. To understand Zaroff's justification for hunting humans, one needs to analyze his dialogue and actions within the story.

First, locate a copy of the short story "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. It can be found in various anthologies, online literary databases, or library collections.

Once you have access to the story, read through the sections or scenes that involve Zaroff. Pay close attention to his dialogue, thoughts, and interactions with other characters, which could shed light on his justification for hunting human beings.

Look for specific lines or actions where Zaroff explains his reasons or beliefs about hunting humans. You can also consider examining his past experiences or background information provided within the story to gain further understanding.

By carefully analyzing the text and contextual clues, you should be able to determine the statement that best describes how Zaroff justifies hunting human beings.

What "following statements"??