if two dices are tossed together, the probability that the product will be less or equal to 18 what?

dice is more than one die. "dices" is a verb, as in dicing tomatoes.

p(1) = 1/36 (1,1)
p(2) = 2/36 (1,2)(2,1)
p(3) = 2/36 (1,3)(3,1)
p(4) = 3/36 (1,4)(4,1)(2,2)
p(5) = 2/36 (1,5)(5,1)
p(6) = 4/36 (1,6)(6,1)(2,3)(3,2)
p(7) = 0
p(8) = 2/36 (2,4)(4,2)
p(9) = 1/36 (3,3)
p(10) = 2/36 (2,5)(5,2)
p(11) = 0
p(12) = 4/36 (2,6)(6,2)(3,4)(4,3)
p(13) = 0
p(14) = 0
p(15) = 2/36 (3,5)(5,3)
p(16) = 1/26 (4,4)
p(17) = 0
p(18) = 2/36 (3,6)(6,3)

p(<=18) = 28/36 = 7/9