Hi, I'm totally lost with this assignment and don't know where to start at with this assignment. I know I'm in Group B will argue against the use of culture as a defense. Can someone please give me advice on how to do this assignment any help will be appreciate.

Culture in the Courtroom


As a culture, people in the U.S. hold a strong belief that their country is a melting pot, where many different groups blend in together. This assumption is shared by many, globally, as well. However, this analogy overlooks the reality that many different and independent subcultures exist in U.S. society. The melting pot analogy also minimizes the importance of cultural assimilation.

Return to the readings from your textbook for this unit (Chapter 2, “Culture”); the Leti Volpp article, “Cultural Defenses in the Criminal Legal System;” and Jeffrey Breinholt’s article, “Courtroom Jihad and the Defense of ‘I am a Muslim.’” Consider the following question:
Should cultural standards be used as a viable defense in the courtroom? Current examples of this sort of defense include fathers selling their daughters and the concept of honor killings.

Your instructor will divide you into two groups. Group A will argue for the use of cultural imperatives as a defense in the courtroom. Group B will argue against the use of culture as a defense. Note that this is not a group activity; each learner is expected to provide his or her individual post. Your response should be placed within the context of the concepts, ideas, or theories encountered in the readings this week. Be sure to frame your comments in a professional and scholarly manner.

In your discussion, you must reference the concepts covered specifically in this unit, to earn full credit. Examples of these concepts include, but are not limited to:
Cultural relativism.
Beliefs and values.

Be sure to frame your comments in a professional and scholarly manner. Remember to take a sociological perspective and maintain a scientific tone in your comments.

This is the question you need to decide.

"Should cultural standards be used as a viable defense in the courtroom? Current examples of this sort of defense include fathers selling their daughters and the concept of honor killings. "

Since you're in group B, you need to argue that cultural standards should not be a valid defense. You'll need to present the case that the American values and laws take precedence. A court cannot tolerate acts that violate these laws.

Study the recommended readings. Be sure to address the concepts covered in this unit.

To effectively approach this assignment and argue against the use of culture as a defense in the courtroom, you can follow these steps:

1. Read and understand the assigned readings: Start by revisiting Chapter 2, titled "Culture," in your textbook. Take notes on key definitions and concepts related to culture, such as ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, socialization, symbols, beliefs and values, norms, deviance, folkways, and taboos. Also, review the Leti Volpp article, "Cultural Defenses in the Criminal Legal System," and Jeffrey Breinholt's article, "Courtroom Jihad and the Defense of 'I am a Muslim.'"

2. Analyze the question and prompt: Carefully consider the question at hand, which is whether cultural standards should be used as a viable defense in the courtroom. Identify the key terms and arguments presented, such as fathers selling their daughters and honor killings. Reflect on your initial thoughts and assumptions about cultural defenses and their potential implications.

3. Structure your argument: Start by providing a clear introduction that introduces your stance (against the use of culture as a defense) and briefly summarizes your main points. Then, outline several main arguments or reasons supporting your position. Each argument should be backed up by evidence or examples from the assigned readings or other credible sources. Consider using the concepts and theories mentioned in the prompt to strengthen your arguments.

4. Use a professional and scholarly tone: Make sure to express your viewpoints in a professional and scholarly manner. Avoid personal anecdotes or emotional arguments. Instead, focus on logical reasoning, well-supported evidence, and objective analysis.

5. Proofread and revise: Once you have drafted your response, take the time to proofread and revise it for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Ensure that your ideas flow smoothly and that your arguments are well-developed and supported.

Remember, it's essential to actively engage with the assigned readings and use them as a foundation for your arguments. By presenting a well-reasoned and informed perspective, you can construct a quality response for this assignment. Good luck!