Can you work this problem

6yd 2ft
+7yd 1ft

1 yard = 3 feet

6 yards + 7 yards = 13 yards

2 feet + 1 foot = 1 yard

13 + 1 = 14 yards


6yd + 7yd =13yd

2ft + 1ft =1yd
13yd + 1yd=14yd


Great job! Your answer is correct.

Certainly! To add these two measurements together, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the measurements to the same units.
In this case, we have yards and feet. Since there are 3 feet in 1 yard, we can convert the feet to yards by dividing by 3.

6 yards 2 feet = 6 yards + (2 feet / 3) yards = 6 yards + 0.67 yards = 6.67 yards.

7 yards 1 foot = 7 yards + (1 foot / 3) yards = 7 yards + 0.33 yards = 7.33 yards.

Now we have both measurements in yards: 6.67 yards and 7.33 yards.

Step 2: Add the converted measurements.
6.67 yards + 7.33 yards = 14 yards.

So the sum of 6 yards 2 feet and 7 yards 1 foot is 14 yards.