How do you do 3 digit multiplication?

Example 145x312

Math In a 3 digit number the hundreds digit is one half of tens digit while the ones digit is more than the tens digit. If the sum of 3 digit is 11, find the numbers.


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To do 3-digit multiplication, such as 145 x 312, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Line up the numbers
Write the two numbers, 145 and 312, one below the other. Make sure to align the digits properly, with the ones digit of the second number under the ones digit of the first number.

x 312

Step 2: Multiply the ones digit
Start by multiplying the ones digit of the second number (2) by each digit of the first number (5, 4, and 1), and write the products under the line.

x 312

Step 3: Multiply the tens digit
Next, move to the tens digit of the second number (1). Multiply it by each digit of the first number, just like in the previous step. Since this is the tens digit, you also need to shift the result one place to the left (adding a zero at the rightmost position).

x 312
290 (Multiplied by 1)
+ 1450 (Multiplied by 10, shifted one place left)

Step 4: Multiply the hundreds digit
Lastly, move to the hundreds digit of the second number (3). Again, multiply it by each digit of the first number and shift the results to the left accordingly.

x 312
290 (Multiplied by 3)
+ 1450 (Multiplied by 10, shifted one place left)
+ 43500 (Multiplied by 100, shifted two places left)

Step 5: Add up the results
Finally, add up all the partial products to get the final answer.

x 312
290 (Multiplied by 3)
+ 1450 (Multiplied by 10, shifted one place left)
+ 43500 (Multiplied by 100, shifted two places left)

Therefore, 145 x 312 equals 45,240.