can someone tell me how to calculate class width.

suppose the number of classes and class widh being 5 and 12 respectively.form a grouped frequency distribution..

the maximum is 98 while the minimum is 12.
Should i calculate it: maximum - minimum that is 98-12=76

to know how many classes i want, for ex: 5, should i divide 76 by 5?

To calculate the class width, you need to divide the range of the data (which is the difference between the maximum and minimum values) by the number of classes you want. In your case, the maximum value is 98 and the minimum value is 12, so the range is 98 - 12 = 86.

To determine the class width for 5 classes, you should divide the range by the number of classes: 86 / 5 = 17.2.

However, since class widths are typically rounded to whole numbers, in this case, you can round 17.2 up to the nearest whole number, which is 18. Therefore, your class width should be 18.

Now, to form a grouped frequency distribution, you can start with your minimum value (12) and add the class width to it successively to define the class boundaries. Here is an example for your data:

Class 1: 12 - 29
Class 2: 30 - 47
Class 3: 48 - 65
Class 4: 66 - 83
Class 5: 84 - 98

Remember, this is just an example, and you can adjust the class boundaries according to the specific characteristics of your data.