a bus travelled at at average speed of 54km/hour from lape town to cape town calculate in km the distance from lape to cape town

How long did this bus travel?

95 mins

95 minutes = 1.583 hours

1.853 * 54 = 85.5 km

To calculate the distance from Lape Town to Cape Town, you need to know the time it took for the bus to travel. However, since you have only provided the average speed, we will need additional information to determine the distance accurately.

If you have the time taken for the journey, you can multiply the average speed by the time to get the distance. The formula is:

Distance = Speed × Time

For example, suppose the bus travels at an average speed of 54 km/h, and it takes 3 hours to complete the journey. You can multiply these values to find the distance:

Distance = 54 km/h × 3 hours = 162 kilometers

Therefore, the distance from Lape Town to Cape Town would be 162 kilometers.