Which of following is NOT characteristics of all fish?

a.gills as respiratory organs
b.two-chambered heart
c.swim bladder for buoyancy organ
d.skin with scales
e.presence of jaws

True or False The air flow in the respiratory system of birds is similar to that of mammals.

whats the answer

To determine which of the following options is NOT a characteristic of all fish, we can examine each option and identify if it applies to all fish.

a. Gills as respiratory organs: This statement is true for all fish. Fish use gills to extract oxygen from water.

b. Two-chambered heart: This option is also true for all fish. Most fish have a two-chambered heart that pumps blood to gills for oxygenation and then to the rest of the body.

c. Swim bladder for buoyancy organ: This option is true for most fish but not all fish. While the swim bladder is a common organ that helps fish control their buoyancy, not all fish possess it. Some fish, like sharks, do not have a swim bladder.

d. Skin with scales: This option is true for all fish. Fish have a covering of scales on their skin, which provides protection and aids in movement.

e. Presence of jaws: This option is also true for all fish. Jaws are a common characteristic of fish, enabling them to feed on other organisms.

Based on this analysis, the characteristic that is NOT found in all fish is c. swim bladder for buoyancy organ. Some fish, such as sharks, lack a swim bladder.