how were the gold rushes profitable for people who were not prospectors?

someone has to sell food, supplies, medical care, donkey food, tools to the prospectors.

What does your book say? Does it mention Levi Strauss who invented Levis and sold them to miners?

The gold rushes in various regions, such as the California Gold Rush of 1848 or the Klondike Gold Rush of 1896, presented opportunities for people beyond just the prospectors to profit. Here are a few ways in which individuals could benefit during those gold rushes:

1. Supplying and Supporting the Prospectors: As the number of prospectors increased, so did the demand for supplies, equipment, and other essential goods. Entrepreneurs who set up businesses to provide these items could make substantial profits. This included selling mining tools, clothing, food, tents, and other provisions necessary for prospecting. Those who established trading posts, general stores, and hotels also stood to gain from the influx of prospectors.

2. Transportation and Infrastructure: The surge of people heading to the gold fields created a need for improved transportation and infrastructure. Owners of transportation companies, such as stagecoach or ferry services, profited from ferrying prospectors and their supplies to the goldfields. Additionally, those who invested in building roads, bridges, and railways not only facilitated transportation but also benefited financially from the tolls or fares they charged.

3. Mining Services: While some individuals opted to prospect for gold themselves, many others preferred to provide services to the miners. These services could include operating boarding houses, restaurants, saloons, or even offering laundry and cleaning services. Medical professionals, like doctors and pharmacists, also found opportunities to provide healthcare to prospectors.

4. Banking and Financial Services: As gold was discovered and extracted, prospectors sought places to store their newfound wealth. Banking institutions emerged to offer secure storage of gold and other valuables, and their owners made profits by charging fees or interest. Financial services such as lending, currency exchange, and investing in mining operations also became lucrative ventures during these gold rushes.

5. Real Estate and Land Development: The rapid growth of settlements around the gold fields created opportunities for people to invest in real estate. Buying land or properties to lease, rent, or sell became profitable, as the demand for housing and commercial space surged.

Overall, the gold rushes provided opportunities for individuals not directly involved in prospecting to profit through supplying goods and services, developing infrastructure, providing financial services, and investing in real estate.