how has the world changed for the better? besides technology & medicine

Since when?

i just need some examples in what ways the world has changed for the better

Are you talking about since the world began? In the last 2,000 years? In the last 100 years? In the last 10 years?

What is your time frame?

they didn't give me a time frame, so im guessing you could talk about anything, no particular time period

In the last few years, Communist countries have adopted more capitalism and improved the lives of their people. Also, women and ethnic minorities have more career options.

To determine how the world has changed for the better, we need to look at various aspects of society and consider its progress over time. Here are a few examples:

1. Education: Access to education has improved significantly in many parts of the world. More children now have the opportunity to attend school, which can lead to greater social and economic mobility. This positive change has been achieved through increased funding, improved infrastructure, and various educational initiatives.

2. Human rights: Over the years, there has been progress towards the recognition and protection of human rights. Numerous countries have enacted legislation and established institutions to safeguard these rights. Efforts have been made to combat discrimination, promote gender equality, and protect vulnerable groups, resulting in a more inclusive and equitable world.

3. Environmental awareness: With growing concerns about climate change and environmental degradation, there has been a global shift towards greater environmental consciousness. Individuals, organizations, and governments are taking steps to reduce carbon emissions, protect ecosystems, and promote sustainable practices. This growing awareness has led to the adoption of renewable energy sources, the phasing out of single-use plastics, and the conservation of biodiversity.

4. Social attitudes: Society has become more inclusive and accepting of diversity, promoting equality and respect for marginalized groups. Discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and disability is increasingly being challenged, with movements advocating for equal rights and representation. These societal shifts promote a more accepting and tolerant world.

To gather detailed and up-to-date information on positive changes, it's beneficial to explore credible sources such as global development reports, academic articles, news outlets, and reputable NGOs focused on social progress. These sources will provide specific examples, data, and perspectives on how the world has changed for the better beyond technology and medicine.