Math huron scored 84% on her last history test. Of she got 21 answers correct , how many question did the test have?

To find out how many questions were on the test, we can set up a proportion using the percentage Huron scored and the number of correct answers.

Let's denote the number of questions on the test as "x".

We know that Huron scored 84% on the test, which means she got 84% of the questions correct. We can represent this as (84/100) * x.

Since we also know that she got 21 answers correct, we can write this as:

(84/100) * x = 21

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide by (84/100):

(84/100) * x = 21

Dividing both sides by (84/100):

x = 21 / (84/100)

To simplify the division, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by 100:

x = (21 * 100) / 84

Evaluating the numerator:

x = 2100 / 84

Simplifying the division:

x = 25

Therefore, the test had 25 questions in total.