What is the boiling point of ethanol when the atmospheric pressure is 60kPa?

I decided to repost this ? under Science instead of Chemistry.

To determine the boiling point of ethanol when the atmospheric pressure is 60 kPa, we can refer to the ethanol phase diagram.

The boiling point of a substance varies with atmospheric pressure, and the phase diagram shows the relationship between pressure and temperature for different phases of a substance.

However, as an AI text-based model, I cannot directly provide visual representations like phase diagrams. I can provide you with the general information that boiling point decreases as the pressure decreases.

Under normal atmospheric pressure (101.3 kPa), the boiling point of ethanol is approximately 78.37 degrees Celsius or 173.1 degrees Fahrenheit.

Since the atmospheric pressure in your question is 60 kPa, which is lower than normal atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of ethanol will be slightly lower than 78.37 degrees Celsius.

Please note that the exact boiling point at 60 kPa might require more precise data or calculations.

To determine the boiling point of ethanol when the atmospheric pressure is 60 kPa, we can use the phase diagram of ethanol. I will explain how to find this information.

Ethanol is a liquid at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. To convert it to a gas (vapor), we need to raise its temperature until it reaches its boiling point. The boiling point is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals the atmospheric pressure, causing the liquid to convert to a gas.

1. Look for a phase diagram of ethanol: Search online for a phase diagram of ethanol that provides the boiling point at different pressures. This diagram will show the relationship between temperature, pressure, and the different phases of ethanol (solid, liquid, and gas).

2. Locate the boiling point at atmospheric pressure: Find the curve on the phase diagram corresponding to atmospheric pressure (60 kPa). Follow that curve until it intersects with the liquid phase region.

3. Identify the temperature at the intersection point: The temperature at the intersection point will be the boiling point of ethanol when the pressure is 60 kPa.

Remember to refer to a reliable source for accurate and up-to-date information. Additionally, keep in mind that phase diagrams may vary slightly depending on the purity of the substance.

Since I cannot access the internet to look for specific phase diagrams, I recommend you search for the phase diagram of ethanol to find the boiling point at 60 kPa.