Which of the following best describes how many Europeans, living through the Great Depression, thought about political systems?

a) All forms of governments are bad
b) Liberalism is the best form of government
c) Liberalism was in decline and authoritarianism was on the rise
d) Both Liberalism and authoritarianism are good
e) Authoritarianism is evil

This is a poor question.

Europe is made up of many countries and cultures. During the Great Depression, there were many points of view.

How do you define liberalism?

To determine the best answer to the question, we can start by considering the historical context of the Great Depression in Europe. The Great Depression was a severe economic crisis that began in the United States in 1929 and quickly spread to Europe and other parts of the world. It resulted in high unemployment, poverty, and political instability.

During this challenging period, the political climate in Europe varied significantly. However, a common trend was the rise of totalitarian ideologies, such as fascism and communism, as a response to the perceived failures of liberal democracy.

Considering this context, the best answer to the question would be:

c) Liberalism was in decline and authoritarianism was on the rise.

This answer reflects the general sentiment among many Europeans at the time, as they sought solutions to address the socioeconomic challenges of the Great Depression. It is important to note that this general sentiment does not necessarily imply that all Europeans held the same views, as political opinions can differ greatly among individuals.

In summary, the best answer is c) Liberalism was in decline and authoritarianism was on the rise, which reflects the prevailing sentiment among many Europeans during the Great Depression.