Observe the first three sets of numbers to determine the missing value in the fourth set.

Are you sure you know the value?

{-5, 23, 12, 16}

{1, 39, -14, 52}

{17, 47, 42, -12}

{25, ?, 11, 31}

To determine the missing value in the fourth set, we can look for a pattern or relationship among the given sets. Let's analyze the three provided sets to identify any patterns:

In the first set, we can observe that each value is increasing by a certain amount:
23 - (-5) = 28
12 - 23 = -11
16 - 12 = 4

In the second set, the pattern is not as straightforward:
39 - 1 = 38
-14 - 39 = -53
52 - (-14) = 66

In the third set, again we can see an increasing pattern:
47 - 17 = 30
42 - 47 = -5
-12 - 42 = -54

Based on these observations, we can try to establish a pattern:
For the first set, the values are increasing by increments of -11 and +4 alternately.
For the second set, the increments are not as consistent, so it is harder to discern a clear pattern.
For the third set, the increments are -5 and -54 alternating.

Now, let's apply the pattern observed from the first and third sets to find the missing value in the fourth set:
Starting from the first value in the fourth set (25), we can add -11 and then +4 alternately:

25 + (-11) = 14
14 + 4 = 18

So the missing value in the fourth set would be 18:

{25, 18, 11, 31}