a basketball player strikes out 3 times for every 2 hits he gets. If the player strikes out 15 times, how many hits does he get? If the player gets 46 hits, how many times does he strike out?

Use proportions.

Cross multiply and solve for x.

3/2 = 15/x

3/2 = x/46

I still don't understand D:

To find the number of hits the basketball player gets given that he strikes out 15 times, we can first determine the ratio of strikes to hits. The player strikes out 3 times for every 2 hits he gets.

Step 1: Determine the strike-to-hit ratio:
The player strikes out 3 times for every 2 hits. So the ratio of strikes to hits can be written as 3:2.

Step 2: Calculate the hits:
Since the player strikes out 15 times, we can set up the following proportion to find the number of hits (x):
3/2 = 15/x

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:
3x = 2 * 15
3x = 30

Dividing both sides by 3:
x = 30/3
x = 10

Therefore, the player gets 10 hits when he strikes out 15 times.

To find the number of times the player strikes out given he gets 46 hits, we can use the same method.

Step 1: Determine the strike-to-hit ratio:
The player strikes out 3 times for every 2 hits. So the ratio of strikes to hits can be written as 3:2.

Step 2: Calculate the strikes:
Since the player gets 46 hits, we can set up the following proportion to find the number of strikes (x):
3/2 = x/46

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:
2x = 3 * 46
2x = 138

Dividing both sides by 2:
x = 138/2
x = 69

Therefore, the player strikes out 69 times when he gets 46 hits.