Hugo has a job interview at Telus. He has a 56% of waking up late on the morning of the interview. When he wakes up late he has a 33% chance of missing his bus to take him to the interview. At this rate he will be late and he has a 27% chance of actually obtaining the job. What is the probability that Hugo will be working at Telus?

To find the probability that Hugo will be working at Telus, we need to multiply the probabilities of the individual events: waking up late, missing the bus, and obtaining the job.

Step 1: Calculate the probability of waking up late
Hugo has a 56% chance of waking up late. Convert this percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100:
56% = 0.56

Step 2: Calculate the probability of missing the bus if he wakes up late
Hugo has a 33% chance of missing the bus when he wakes up late. Convert this percentage to a decimal:
33% = 0.33

Step 3: Calculate the probability of obtaining the job if he's late for the interview
Hugo has a 27% chance of actually obtaining the job if he is late for the interview:
27% = 0.27

Step 4: Multiply the probabilities together
To find the probability of all three events occurring, multiply the probabilities together:
0.56 * 0.33 * 0.27 = 0.050616

Step 5: Convert the decimal to a percentage
The result from step 4 is the probability as a decimal. Convert it to a percentage by multiplying by 100:
0.050616 * 100 ≈ 5.0616%

Therefore, the probability that Hugo will be working at Telus is approximately 5.06%.