I left out the following sentences.Thank you very much.I need to rephrase number 5 and make it more concise.

1) By the 14th century a new middle class, both rural an urban, existed.
The merchants increased their power by loaning money to the king for mercenaries.
2) The yeomen, that is freemen who own the land, profited from higher food prices, and those who farmed sheep made money from wool.
3) The artisans and tradesmen in the town organized themselves into groups called guilds, from the Old English geld meaning payment.
4) They were based (I need a synonym) on the payments of their members, they controlled the quality of goods, they regulated prices and wages and the rules concerning apprenticeship.
5) When Richard II came to the throne, the first Parliament of the reign decided to levy a new tax on every person, called poll-tax. This tax led to widespread discontent which in 1381 exploded in the Peasants' Revolt. The rebels left London with promises of help from the king and the barons. However, they had no desire for change and punished the rebels severely.

Keep checking all the instances of "an" that should be "and."

...lending money ...

...from the old English word geld, meaning payment.

4 = run-ons here. Sentences need periods at the ends, not commas.

They flourished on the ...

5 - clarify "they" in that last sentence.