Solar cells convert what type of energy into electrical energy?


Can someone please help I believe thermal


Electromagnetic (light, in this case).

This type of energy can be converted to electrical more efficiently than thermal energy can.

You can also think of it as thermal energy conversion from a very hot (5800 K) body (the sun), and apply the Carnot efficiency limit (about 97%).

Solar cells convert electromagnetic energy into electrical energy.

Solar cells actually convert electromagnetic energy into electrical energy. They utilize the energy from sunlight, which is made up of electromagnetic waves, to generate electricity. Thermal energy refers to heat energy, which is not directly converted by solar cells.

To find answers to scientific questions like this, you can conduct a quick internet search or refer to reliable educational resources such as textbooks or academic websites. Searching for "what type of energy do solar cells convert" would provide you with the correct answer and a deeper understanding of the topic.