Why were the European nations able to carve Africa up for themselves ?

Can you give me some hints to be able to answer this question please? thank you

They could do it because no one seriously opposed them. The Europeans had better organizations and weapons than the Africans.

If you are really interested in how this happened, you should read Chinua Achebe's books, especially Things Fall Apart. Even though he wrote fiction, he was telling the story of what happened to his homeland.

The consecutive books are very enlightening, too, so be sure to read them in order!


Certainly! To answer the question of why European nations were able to carve up Africa for themselves, you would need to understand the historical context and factors that contributed to the colonization of Africa. Here are some hints to guide you in finding an answer:

1. Historical context: Start by examining the time period when European colonization of Africa took place. Familiarize yourself with key events, such as the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885, which formalized the "Scramble for Africa" among European powers.

2. Motivations: Explore the motivations behind European nations' desire to colonize Africa. Consider economic motives, such as access to resources like gold, diamonds, ivory, and rubber. Additionally, look into strategic interests like establishing trade routes and gaining control of strategic locations.

3. Technological advancements: Investigate the technological advantages possessed by European nations during that time. Analyze how advancements in transportation (steamships and railways), military power (firearms), and communication (telegraph) played a role in their colonization efforts.

4. Political dynamics: Examine the power dynamics among European nations at the time. Consider how rivalries, alliances, and the competition for dominance shaped their approach to colonizing Africa.

5. Resistance and vulnerabilities: Explore the factors that made African territories vulnerable to colonization. Research local political divisions, power struggles, and the impact of the slave trade on weakening certain African states. Additionally, consider the introduction of diseases from Europe that devastated African populations.

By delving into these aspects, you can gain a deeper understanding of why European nations were able to carve up Africa for themselves.