If the strip is 29 mm long, how far is the maximum deviation of the strip from the straight orientation? (The deviation is measured from the straight orientation from the interface of the two strips.)Radius of curvature is 53.7 m

To find the maximum deviation of the strip from the straight orientation, you can use the formula for the deflection of a curved strip. The formula is given by:

h = (r^2 / 2d)

- h is the maximum deviation of the strip from the straight orientation,
- r is the radius of curvature,
- d is the length of the strip.

Given that the length of the strip (d) is 29 mm (or 0.029 m) and the radius of curvature (r) is 53.7 m, we can substitute these values into the formula:

h = (53.7^2 / 2 * 0.029)

First, calculate the numerator:
53.7^2 = 2880.69

Then, substitute the values into the formula:
h = (2880.69 / 0.058)
h ≈ 49757.41

Therefore, the maximum deviation of the strip from the straight orientation is approximately 49757.41 m.