how can you try to alter the stereotypical attitude towards older person?

Grow old yourself.

treat them as if they were someone who is the same age as you.

Ycchhh! I hope I'm not treated as a 20-something! I've been there and done that -- some 50 years ago!

To try to alter the stereotypical attitude towards older people, you can follow these steps:

1. Challenge your own biases: Reflect on any preconceived notions or stereotypes you may have about older people. Recognize that age should not be a determining factor in a person's worth or capabilities.

2. Educate yourself: Learn about the positive contributions made by older individuals throughout history and in various domains, such as in science, arts, politics, and social activism. Understanding their accomplishments can help change your perspective.

3. Engage in intergenerational activities: Seek opportunities to interact with older individuals in meaningful ways. This might involve volunteering or participating in programs where you can socialize, learn, and collaborate with people from different age groups.

4. Share stories of older role models: Highlight stories of older individuals who have overcome challenges, achieved personal growth, or contributed to society. Amplify their voices and showcase their accomplishments to challenge stereotypes.

5. Promote inclusivity: Encourage social environments that embrace diversity across all age groups. Support initiatives that foster intergenerational connections, promote age-friendly organizations, and encourage employment opportunities for older workers.

6. Be an advocate: Speak up against ageism and discrimination whenever you encounter it. Engage in conversations, share your perspectives, and challenge negative stereotypes when appropriate.

7. Support policies for older individuals: Advocate for policies that promote equal opportunities, healthcare access, economic security, and protection against discrimination for older people. Support organizations and campaigns that work towards these goals.

Remember that altering stereotypes is a gradual process that requires consistent effort from individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Education, empathy, and fostering meaningful connections between generations can contribute to a more inclusive and respectful society for older individuals.