Professor Klinger says that you begin life as a blank slate, and that all of your ideas come from interaction with the environment rather than anything that you were born with. The professor is advocating a theoretical perspective based on a(n) ______________ view.

What are your choices?

environmental, nurture?

The theoretical perspective that Professor Klinger is advocating is based on a behaviorist view.

To understand this concept, let's break it down:

1. Theoretical Perspective: This refers to a particular way of interpreting and understanding phenomena. In this case, Professor Klinger is referring to a specific viewpoint in psychology.

2. Blank Slate: This concept, also known as tabula rasa, suggests that humans are born with a clean or empty mind, like a blank slate. According to this idea, individuals acquire knowledge and develop ideas solely through their experiences and interactions with the environment.

3. Interaction with the Environment: According to this perspective, the environment plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's behavior, thoughts, and ideas. It places a greater emphasis on external factors rather than innate or predetermined characteristics.

4. Behaviorist View: The behaviorist view is a theoretical perspective within psychology that focuses on observable behaviors and how they are influenced by environmental factors. It suggests that all behaviors, including ideas, are learned through conditioning and reinforcement. This perspective emphasizes the importance of stimuli, responses, and consequences in shaping human behavior.

Therefore, based on Professor Klinger's assertion that all ideas come from interaction with the environment, the theoretical perspective being advocated is a behaviorist view.