The vertices of triangle ABC are a(8,23) B(2,2) C(2,8). What are the coordinates of the vertices if the triangle is reflected across the x-axis?

is it A(8,2) B(2, -2) C(2, -8)?

reflection across the x-axis takes (x,y) --> (x,-y)

So, if (8,23) is supposed to be (8,-2), then you are correct.

i really need your help i am very stupid in math i mean i don't know math and i have 2 homeworks please anyone help me the teacher will kill me tomorrow if i didn't submit my homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 guys i begg u anyone help

To reflect a point across the x-axis, you need to keep the x-coordinate the same and change the sign of the y-coordinate. Here's how you can find the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle after reflecting it across the x-axis:

For point A(8, 23):
- Keep the x-coordinate the same, which is 8.
- Change the sign of the y-coordinate. So, y-coordinate of -23.
- The coordinates of the reflected point will be A'(8, -23).

For point B(2, 2):
- Keep the x-coordinate the same, which is 2.
- Change the sign of the y-coordinate. So, y-coordinate of -2.
- The coordinates of the reflected point will be B'(2, -2).

For point C(2, 8):
- Keep the x-coordinate the same, which is 2.
- Change the sign of the y-coordinate. So, y-coordinate of -8.
- The coordinates of the reflected point will be C'(2, -8).

So, the coordinates of the vertices of the reflected triangle are A'(8, -23), B'(2, -2), and C'(2, -8).