if 20g of sugar are added to a beaker filled with 200g of water what is the percent composition of the solution ?

% sugar = [(20 g sugar/(20g sugar + 200 g H2O)]*100

% H2O = 100% - %sugar.


To find the percent composition of the solution, you need to calculate the amount of sugar in the solution and express it as a percentage of the total mass.

First, add the masses of sugar and water:
Total mass = mass of sugar + mass of water
Total mass = 20g + 200g
Total mass = 220g

Next, calculate the mass percentage of sugar in the solution:
Mass percentage of sugar = (mass of sugar / total mass) x 100
Mass percentage of sugar = (20g / 220g) x 100
Mass percentage of sugar = 9.09%

Therefore, the percent composition of the solution is approximately 9.09% sugar.