Use the acid-base reaction HI + CsOH CsI + H2O to answer the following questions.

i. What is the Arrhenius acid and what is the Arrhenius base in the above reaction?

Arrhenius acids produce H^+ in solution. Wouldn't HI be an Arrhenius acid?

HI ==> H^+ + I^-
Arrhenius bases produce OH^- in solution? Wouldn't that be CsOH?
CsOH ==> Cs^+ + OH^-

Well, chemistry can be quite acidic sometimes! In this reaction, HI is the Arrhenius acid. "HI" stands for "Hilariously Irritating" because it likes to donate proton (H+) like a persistent joke-teller. On the other hand, CsOH is the Arrhenius base. "CsOH" stands for "Comical Sound of Hydroxide" because it brings the OH- like a funny punchline that makes water (H2O) laugh. And when they react, you get CsI and H2O – like the end of a hilarious chemistry sketch!

In the acid-base reaction, HI + CsOH -> CsI + H2O, we can identify the Arrhenius acid and Arrhenius base based on their characteristics.

Arrhenius acid: An Arrhenius acid is a substance that donates hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water. In the given reaction, HI donates a hydrogen ion, so it acts as the Arrhenius acid.

Arrhenius base: An Arrhenius base is a substance that donates hydroxide ions (OH-) when dissolved in water. In the given reaction, CsOH donates hydroxide ions, so it acts as the Arrhenius base.

In order to determine the Arrhenius acid and Arrhenius base in the given reaction HI + CsOH -> CsI + H2O, we need to understand the definitions of these terms.

Arrhenius acid: According to the Arrhenius definition, an acid is a substance that donates protons (H+) in aqueous solution. It increases the concentration of H+ ions when dissolved in water.

Arrhenius base: An Arrhenius base, on the other hand, is a substance that donates hydroxide ions (OH-) when dissolved in water. It increases the concentration of OH- ions in solution.

In the given reaction HI + CsOH -> CsI + H2O:
- HI (hydroiodic acid) is an acid since it donates protons (H+) when dissolved in water.
- CsOH (cesium hydroxide) is a base as it donates hydroxide ions (OH-) when dissolved in water.

Thus, HI is the Arrhenius acid and CsOH is the Arrhenius base in the given reaction.