What is the underlying message of all of Arthur Jarvis’s writing? How does reading his son’s writing affect the behavior of James Jarvis? Write at least five sentences.


To determine the underlying message of all of Arthur Jarvis's writing, one must read and analyze his works. The first step would be to gather all the available writings by Arthur Jarvis, such as his essays, articles, books, and any other literary pieces he may have produced. These materials can be found in various sources, such as libraries, archives, or even online platforms.

By closely examining and interpreting Arthur Jarvis's writing, one can identify recurring themes, motifs, and ideas. These could include topics like social justice, racial equality, the need for education, or the importance of unity. Understanding the context in which these writings were created, such as the time period and the political and social climate, will also help in comprehending their underlying message.

After thoroughly analyzing his son's writings, James Jarvis undergoes a significant transformation in his behavior. It would be necessary to read Alan Paton's novel "Cry, the Beloved Country" to understand the details of this transformation. James Jarvis starts to question his own beliefs and prejudices, realizing the injustice that has been perpetuated against black South Africans.

As a result of reading his son's writings, James Jarvis becomes more compassionate and empathetic towards the suffering of others. He begins to actively engage in promoting social change and bridging the racial divide by supporting initiatives that seek to uplift and empower the black community. This change in behavior is driven by a newfound understanding and empathy gained through reading Arthur Jarvis's works.