Which of the following statments about standing committees is true?

A. They exist in the house but not in the senate.
B. They all have about the same amount of influence.
C. They have only recently been set up in congress.
D. They play a critical role in the lawmaking process.

I think the answer here is A?


Do you know a web site i can find this on because D is the only one i can think of if A isn't the answer.

D. is correct.

You could have googled Congress standing committees.

Thats what i did that's why I said D

To determine the correct statement about standing committees, let's go through each option and analyze them one by one.

A. They exist in the house but not in the senate.
B. They all have about the same amount of influence.
C. They have only recently been set up in Congress.
D. They play a critical role in the lawmaking process.

Option A states that standing committees exist in the House but not in the Senate. To verify this statement, we can refer to the structure and organization of the U.S. Congress. In fact, standing committees exist in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Therefore, option A is not the correct statement.

Option B suggests that all standing committees have about the same amount of influence. While standing committees hold substantial influence within the legislative process, the degree of influence can vary depending on the specific committee and the issues it handles. This means that not all committees possess equal levels of influence. Thus, option B is not entirely accurate.

Option C claims that standing committees have only recently been set up in Congress. However, standing committees have been a crucial feature of the U.S. Congress since its inception. Therefore, option C is incorrect.

Option D states that standing committees play a critical role in the lawmaking process. This statement accurately reflects the significance of standing committees. Standing committees are responsible for reviewing, analyzing, and amending proposed legislation before sending it to the House or Senate floor for a full vote. Their contributions are vital to shaping and refining laws. Therefore, option D is the correct statement.

In conclusion, the correct answer to the question is D. Standing committees do indeed play a critical role in the lawmaking process.