Find the sum of the smallest 2 digit prime number and the largest 2 digit prime number.

Well, we know that the smallest 2-digit prime number is 11 because it's the first prime number greater than 10. And the largest 2-digit prime number is 97 because it's the highest prime number less than 100. So, when we add 11 and 97 together, we get... a very lucky sum of 108!

To find the smallest two-digit prime number, we need to start from the smallest two-digit number, which is 10, and move upwards until we find a prime number. Checking each number, we find that 11 is the smallest two-digit prime number.

To find the largest two-digit prime number, we need to start from the largest two-digit number, which is 99, and move downwards until we find a prime number. Checking each number, we find that 97 is the largest two-digit prime number.

To find the sum of the smallest and largest two-digit prime numbers:
11 + 97 = 108

So, the sum of the smallest two-digit prime number and the largest two-digit prime number is 108.

To find the sum of the smallest 2-digit prime number and the largest 2-digit prime number, we need to identify the smallest and largest 2-digit prime numbers first.

A prime number is a number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. In this case, we are looking for prime numbers within the range of two-digit numbers.

We can start by listing the two-digit numbers from 10 to 99 and then check each of them to see if they are prime. If we find a number that meets the criteria, we will consider it as a potential prime number.

Let's begin by finding the smallest 2-digit prime number:

Starting from 10, we check if each number greater than or equal to 10 is prime until we find one.

Checking the number 10: No, since it is divisible by 2 and 5.

Checking the number 11: Yes, it is divisible only by 1 and itself, so it is a prime number.

Therefore, the smallest 2-digit prime number is 11.

Now let's find the largest 2-digit prime number:

Starting from 99, we check each number less than or equal to 99 in reverse order until we find one.

Checking the number 99: No, since it is divisible by 3 and 11.

Checking the number 98: No, since it is divisible by 2 and 7.

Checking the number 97: Yes, it is divisible only by 1 and itself, so it is a prime number.

Therefore, the largest 2-digit prime number is 97.

Now, we can calculate the sum of the smallest 2-digit prime number (11) and the largest 2-digit prime number (97):

11 + 97 = 108

Therefore, the sum of the smallest 2-digit prime number and the largest 2-digit prime number is 108.

smallest 2 digit prime is 11,largest is 99.

11+99= 110