convert to scientific notation...0.000243

2.43 * 10 ^ - 4

To convert the number 0.000243 to scientific notation, follow these steps:

1. Determine the non-zero digits in the original number: In this case, the non-zero digits are 2, 4, and 3.

2. Rewrite the non-zero digits as a decimal number between 1 and 10: In this case, the non-zero digits are 0.243 (2, 4, 3) which is written as a decimal.

3. Count the number of places moved to the right or left in the decimal: In this case, we moved the decimal point 4 places to the right.

4. Express the number in scientific notation: The final step is to write the number in the form of A × 10^n where A is the decimal number determined in step 2 and n is the number of places the decimal point was moved. In this case, the number 0.000243 in scientific notation is 2.43 × 10^(-4).

Therefore, 0.000243 in scientific notation is 2.43 × 10^(-4).