Rank the following ionic compounds by lattice energy.

Highest to Lowest



To rank the ionic compounds by lattice energy, we need to consider the factors that influence lattice energy.

Lattice energy is a measure of the strength of the attractive forces between ions in an ionic compound's crystal lattice. It depends on two main factors:

1. Distance between ions: The closer the ions are to each other, the stronger the forces of attraction between them, resulting in higher lattice energy.

2. Charge of the ions: The greater the charge of the ions, the stronger the electrostatic forces of attraction between them, leading to higher lattice energy.

Now, let's analyze each compound and determine their relative lattice energies:

1. LiCl:
Lithium (Li) has a +1 charge, and chloride (Cl) has a -1 charge. Since both ions have a 1- charge, there is no significant difference in charge. However, the LiCl compound has smaller ions compared to the other compounds in the list. Smaller ions result in shorter distances between them, increasing the lattice energy. Therefore, LiCl is expected to have the highest lattice energy among the given compounds.

2. MgO:
Magnesium (Mg) has a +2 charge, and oxygen (O) has a -2 charge. The charges of Mg and O are balanced, resulting in a stable compound. The ions' sizes in MgO are larger than in LiCl, leading to a weaker electrostatic attraction and lower lattice energy compared to LiCl.

3. Na2O:
Sodium (Na) has a +1 charge, and oxygen (O) has a -2 charge. Similar to MgO, the charges are balanced, resulting in a stable compound. However, the ions in Na2O are larger than in MgO, which would further decrease the lattice energy.

4. BeO:
Beryllium (Be) has a +2 charge, and oxygen (O) has a -2 charge. The charges are balanced, but beryllium has a smaller size compared to the other cations in the list. This smaller size leads to a stronger electrostatic attraction between the ions and a higher lattice energy compared to Na2O.

5. Na2S:
Sodium (Na) has a +1 charge, and sulfur (S) has a -2 charge. Again, the charges are balanced, but the ions' sizes in Na2S are larger than in BeO. As a result, Na2S is expected to have the lowest lattice energy among the given compounds.

So, the ranking of the ionic compounds by lattice energy from highest to lowest is:

1. LiCl
2. BeO
3. MgO
4. Na2O
5. Na2S