
6000 kg to ___ tonnes (metric tons)

6000 kg to ___tons

1 acre-ft of water to ___gallons

32 psi to ___kpa

10 psfito ___ oz/in^2

To convert units, you need to know the conversion factors between those units. Here are the conversions for the given questions:

1) 6000 kg to metric tonnes (metric tons):
There are 1000 kilograms (kg) in a metric tonne. So, to convert 6000 kg to metric tonnes, divide 6000 by 1000:
6000 kg = 6000/1000 = 6 metric tonnes

2) 6000 kg to tons:
There are 907.185 pounds (lbs) in a ton. To convert kg to tons, you need to first convert kg to lbs by multiplying by 2.20462 (1 kg = 2.20462 lbs), then divide the result by 2000 (1 ton = 2000 lbs):
6000 kg = (6000 * 2.20462) / 2000 = 6613.872 / 2000 = 3.3069 tons (rounded to 4 decimal places)

3) 1 acre-ft of water to gallons:
There are various conversions used for acre-feet to gallons, but one common conversion is as follows:
1 acre-ft = 325851.43 gallons
So, 1 acre-ft of water is equal to 325851.43 gallons.

4) 32 psi to kPa:
To convert pounds per square inch (psi) to kilopascals (kPa), multiply psi by 6.89476 (1 psi = 6.89476 kPa):
32 psi = 32 * 6.89476 = 220.625 kPa (rounded to 3 decimal places)

5) 10 psf to oz/in^2:
To convert pounds per square foot (psf) to ounces per square inch (oz/in^2), divide psf by 1.72998 (1 psf = 1.72998 oz/in^2):
10 psf = 10 / 1.72998 = 5.782 oz/in^2 (rounded to 3 decimal places)

By following the conversion factors and formulas provided above, you can easily convert from one unit to another.