A fully loaded Saturn V rocket has a mass of 2.92*10^6. Its engines have a thrust of 3.34*10^7 N

What is the unbalanced force of gravity on the rocket at blast off

What is the unbalanced force on the rocket at blast off

To calculate the unbalanced force of gravity on the rocket at blast off, we will use Newton's second law of motion, which states that the force acting on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. In this case, the force is the unbalanced force of gravity pulling the rocket downward, the mass is the mass of the rocket, and the acceleration is the acceleration due to gravity.

The acceleration due to gravity on Earth is approximately 9.8 m/s². Therefore, we can calculate the unbalanced force of gravity as follows:

Force of gravity = mass * acceleration due to gravity

Substituting the given values:

Force of gravity = 2.92 * 10^6 kg * 9.8 m/s²

Calculating the result:

Force of gravity ≈ 2.86 * 10^7 N

So, the unbalanced force of gravity on the rocket at blast off is approximately 2.86 * 10^7 N.

Now, let's move on to calculating the unbalanced force on the rocket at blast off. The unbalanced force on an object is the net force acting on it, considering all the forces applied to it. In this case, the only significant force acting on the rocket is the engine thrust, which propels it upwards.

The unbalanced force on the rocket at blast off is essentially the engine thrust pushing the rocket upward. Therefore, the unbalanced force on the rocket at blast off is equal to the engine thrust.

Given that the engine thrust is 3.34 * 10^7 N, the unbalanced force on the rocket at blast off is approximately 3.34 * 10^7 N.