sir, there was a question in my biology test that required us to draw a graph of concentration of sucrose solution against rate of reaction. so how do I plot the graph? If i follow the question's requirement, i have to put the concentration of sucrose solution as the y-axis and the rate of reaction as the i right?

In order to plot the graph correctly, it's important to understand which variable is being represented by the x-axis and which one by the y-axis. In this case, the concentration of sucrose solution is the independent variable, meaning it is controlled and manipulated by you. On the other hand, the rate of reaction is the dependent variable, meaning it is determined by the concentration of sucrose solution you are using.

To correctly plot the graph, you should put the x-axis as the concentration of sucrose solution and the y-axis as the rate of reaction. This is because you want to observe how changing the concentration of sucrose solution (x-axis) affects the rate of reaction (y-axis).

To plot the graph, follow these steps:

1. Make sure you have recorded the data on the concentration of sucrose solution and the corresponding rates of reaction. Ensure you have multiple data points across a range of concentrations.

2. On a graph paper or using graphing software, label the x-axis as "Concentration of Sucrose Solution (independent variable)" and the y-axis as "Rate of Reaction (dependent variable)."

3. Determine the appropriate scale for each axis. For the x-axis, use a scale that includes the range of concentrations tested. For the y-axis, use a scale that accommodates the range of rate values observed.

4. Plot each data point on the graph. For each concentration value on the x-axis, locate the corresponding rate of reaction value on the y-axis and mark the point.

5. Once you have plotted all the data points, connect them using a line or a curve, depending on the nature of the relationship between concentration and rate of reaction. If the relationship is linear, a straight line might be appropriate. If it's a curve, you might need to use a best-fit line or a smooth curve that best represents the trend in the data.

Remember to properly label your graph with a title and include units for both the x and y-axes. This will make it clear and easy to interpret.