a car's wheel turns at 200 rpm. the radius of each wheel is 1.3 ft. to the nearest radian per minute, what is the angular velocity of a point: on the tire thread? on the hubcap .4ft from the center? right at the center?

the angular velocity is the same for all points anywhere from the axle to the tire surface.

angular velocity is radians/minute

200 rev/min * 2pi rad/rev = 400pi rad/min

Now, if you want linear velocity, that is radius * angular velocity.

To find the angular velocity of a point on different locations of the car's wheel, we can use the relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity.

The linear velocity of a point on the circumference of a circle can be calculated using the formula:

v = ω * r

v is the linear velocity
ω (omega) is the angular velocity
r is the radius

In this case, we're given the angular velocity (200 rpm), and the radius of the car's wheel (1.3 ft). To find the linear velocity at different points, we'll use this formula and convert the angular velocity to radians per minute.

Step 1: Convert angular velocity to radians per minute
1 revolution (1 complete rotation) = 2π radians
So, 200 rpm = (200 revolutions / minute) * (2π radians / 1 revolution)

ω = 200 * 2π radians / minute = 400π radians / minute

Step 2: Calculate the linear velocity for each point

a) Point on the tire thread:
Radius (r) = 1.3 ft
Linear velocity (v) = ω * r

v = (400π radians / minute) * (1.3 ft) = 520π ft / minute ≈ 1632.99 ft / minute

To the nearest radian per minute, the angular velocity of a point on the tire thread is approximately 1633 rad/min.

b) Point on the hubcap, 0.4 ft from the center:
Radius (r) = 1.3 ft + 0.4 ft = 1.7 ft
Linear velocity (v) = ω * r

v = (400π radians / minute) * (1.7 ft) = 680π ft / minute ≈ 2138.72 ft / minute

To the nearest radian per minute, the angular velocity of a point on the hubcap is approximately 2139 rad/min.

c) Point right at the center:
Radius (r) = 0 ft
Linear velocity (v) = ω * r

v = (400π radians / minute) * (0 ft) = 0 ft / minute

The point at the center does not move since the radius is 0. Hence, the angular velocity at the center is 0 rad/min.

To find the angular velocity at different points on the car's wheel, we need to convert the given value of 200 rpm into radians per minute.

1. First, let's convert the rpm (revolutions per minute) to radians per minute. Since there are 2π radians in one revolution, we can multiply the given rpm by 2π to get the angular velocity in radians per minute.

Angular velocity in radians per minute = (200 rpm) * (2π radians/1 revolution)

= 400π radians per minute

Now, let's calculate the angular velocities of different points on the wheel.

a. On the tire tread:
Since the point on the tire tread is located on the outer edge of the wheel, its distance from the wheel's center is equal to the radius of the wheel. Therefore, the radius of the tire tread is 1.3 ft.

Angular velocity on the tire tread = Angular velocity of the entire wheel

= 400π radians per minute

b. On the hubcap 0.4 ft from the center:
The point on the hubcap is at a distance of 0.4 ft from the center. We can use the relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity to find the angular velocity at this point. The linear velocity of a point on a rotating object is given by the product of the angular velocity and the distance from the center.

Linear velocity = Angular velocity * Distance from center (radius)

Angular velocity at the point on the hubcap = Linear velocity / Distance from center

= (400π radians per minute) / (0.4 ft)

= 1000π radians per minute

c. Right at the center:
At the center of the wheel, the distance from the center is zero. Hence, the angular velocity at the center is also zero since there is no rotational motion at that point.

Therefore, the angular velocities are as follows:
On the tire tread: 400π radians per minute (to the nearest radian per minute)
On the hubcap 0.4 ft from the center: 1000π radians per minute (to the nearest radian per minute)
Right at the center: 0 radians per minute