How do you prepare a 0.4 M soultion of copper sulfate in water starting with solid copper sulfate and water?

0.4 M soln means 0.4 mol/L soln.

mols = g/molar mass
0.4 mol = g/molar mass.
Calculate molar mass CuSO4, solve for grams, weigh that many grams, add to a 1 L volumetric flask, add some water, swirl until all of the salt is dissolved, make to the mark with distilled water, shake to mix thoroughly.

To prepare a 0.4 M solution of copper sulfate in water starting with solid copper sulfate, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the amount of copper sulfate needed.
- Convert 0.4 M to moles per liter.
- The molar mass of copper sulfate (CuSO4) is approximately 159.6 g/mol.
- Multiply the molarity (0.4 M) by the molar mass (159.6 g/mol) to get the grams of copper sulfate needed per liter of solution.

For example, 0.4 M * 159.6 g/mol = 63.84 g CuSO4 per liter of solution.

Step 2: Measure the desired volume of the solution.
- Decide how much solution you want to prepare in liters.
- Multiply the volume (in liters) by the mass of copper sulfate per liter to determine the total mass of copper sulfate needed.

For example, if you want to prepare 1 liter of the solution: 63.84 g CuSO4/L * 1 L = 63.84 g CuSO4.

Step 3: Weigh the required amount of solid copper sulfate.
- Using a digital scale, measure out the calculated amount of solid copper sulfate.
- Ensure you have an accurate measurement to avoid any discrepancies.

Step 4: Add the solid copper sulfate to a container.
- Transfer the weighed copper sulfate into a clean and dry container that will be used to make the solution.
- A large beaker or a glass container with sufficient volume should work.

Step 5: Add water to the container.
- Measure and add distilled water to the container.
- Generally, add enough water to make up the desired final volume of the solution.
- Stir the solution gently until the solid copper sulfate is fully dissolved.

Step 6: Transfer the solution to a volumetric flask (optional).
- If you want to ensure precise volume measurements, you can transfer the solution to a volumetric flask.
- A volumetric flask is designed to hold a specific volume, making it easier to accurately measure and dilute solutions.

Step 7: Mix and Store the Solution.
- After you have prepared the solution, mix it thoroughly to ensure homogeneity.
- Store the solution in a labeled, tightly sealed container to prevent evaporation or contamination.

Remember to always follow safety guidelines when working with chemicals, wear appropriate protective gear, and dispose of waste materials properly.

To prepare a 0.4 M solution of copper sulfate (CuSO4) in water using solid copper sulfate and water, you will need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Calculate the required amount of copper sulfate.
- Determine the molar mass of copper sulfate (CuSO4). The molar mass of CuSO4 is approximately 159.61 g/mol.
- Calculate the required mass of copper sulfate using the formula: mass = molarity × volume × molar mass.
- In this case, since we want to prepare a 0.4 M solution, the volume will typically be 1 liter (1000 mL).

So, mass = 0.4 mol/L × 1 L × 159.61 g/mol = 63.844 g.

Step 2: Weigh out the required amount of solid copper sulfate.
- Using a weighing scale, accurately measure 63.844 grams of solid copper sulfate.

Step 3: Dissolve the solid copper sulfate in water.
- Pour 500 mL of water into a suitable container (such as a beaker or flask) to dissolve the solid copper sulfate.
- Slowly add the solid copper sulfate into the water while stirring continuously to ensure complete dissolution.
- Continue stirring until all the solid has dissolved completely.

Step 4: Adjust the final volume of the solution.
- Once the solid copper sulfate is completely dissolved, add more distilled water to reach a final volume of 1000 mL (1 liter).

And there you have it – a 0.4 M solution of copper sulfate prepared from solid copper sulfate and water. Remember to take appropriate safety precautions and wear protective equipment, such as gloves and goggles, when handling chemicals.