a class of pupils obtained results on a bar chart during a seashore investigation. they sampled the numbers of different seaweeds found in 0.25 m2 from the top shore (upper shore) to lower shore and found average percentage cover for each seaweed.

describe how the pupils would have carried out this investigation and explain how they would have obtained these results

To carry out this seashore investigation, the pupils most likely followed these steps:

1. Site selection: The pupils would have chosen a suitable seashore location with diverse seaweed populations. They might have considered factors like accessibility, safety, and variation in shoreline zones.

2. Grid setup: The pupils would have established a grid system on the seashore. This system allows them to sample consistently across various areas. They might have used stakes and string to mark out 0.25 m2 quadrats within the grid.

3. Sampling procedure: The pupils would have randomly selected quadrats within each shoreline zone (top shore, mid-shore, and lower shore). They would have standardized the technique of placing the quadrat on the substrate (seafloor) and recording the data.

4. Quadrat analysis: Within each quadrat, the pupils would have identified the species of seaweed present and estimated the percentage cover of each species. Percentage cover refers to the proportion of a quadrat area covered by a particular species.

5. Data collection: The pupils would have recorded the species and their corresponding percentage cover in each quadrat. They might have used paper, notebooks, or data sheets to keep track of the information.

6. Analysis and averaging: After collecting data from multiple quadrats for each shoreline zone, the pupils would have calculated the average percentage cover for each seaweed species within each zone. They would have totaled the percentage cover and divided it by the number of quadrats sampled to find the average.

7. Presentation and interpretation: To present their findings, the pupils might have used a bar chart. Each seaweed species would be represented with a horizontal bar, indicating its average percentage cover in each shoreline zone. The chart would visually compare the seaweed populations across the different zones.

By following these steps, the pupils obtained their results on a bar chart, indicating the average percentage cover of different seaweeds at different shoreline zones. This investigation allowed them to understand the distribution and abundance of seaweeds in relation to the tidal zones along the seashore.