I am writing a paper and I was wondering does this sound like a good thesis?

Cofer shows not only the crazyness women but also shows how men can be harsh.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Please clarify.

Women is going crazy that a man doesn't care for her so it is driving her crazy.

Men do harsh things like abusing their wife.

What did you read by Cofer? Are you supposed to be writing about that story?

I read A partial rememberance of a puerto rican childhood.

I'm suppose to be writing a essay but I need a thesis to do an outline.

Cofer shows how a woman can go crazy when her man ignores or abuses her.

Based on your statement, it seems like you are trying to convey that Cofer's work explores the themes of women being portrayed as "crazy" and men displaying harsh behavior. While the idea behind your thesis is interesting, it could benefit from rephrasing to make it more clear and concise. Additionally, it is always helpful to provide specific examples or evidence from Cofer's work to support your thesis.

To improve your thesis, you can focus on refining the language and structure. Here's a revised version that incorporates these suggestions:

"In her work, Cofer skillfully portrays the complexities of female characters, exposing societal labels of 'craziness,' while also shedding light on the often harsh behavior exhibited by men. Through her storytelling, Cofer challenges gender expectations and offers a nuanced exploration of the diverse experiences of both women and men."

By using language that highlights Cofer's skill and the purpose of her work, as well as specifying the representation of gender dynamics in her stories, your thesis becomes more focused and effective. Remember to further support and develop your thesis through solid analysis and evidence in your paper.