A jet plane is traveling at a constant speed in a straight line in level speed. What does this tell you about the forces acting on it, what forces are acting on it .

The net force must be zero at constant speed, since there is zero acceleration.

In the vertical direction, the weight force is balanced by the lift force on the wings (mainly)

In the horizontal direction, wing and fuselage drag is balanced by jet engine thrust.

Thank you so much, i understand a lot more now !

Good! Physics is fun once you get the hang of it.

When a jet plane is traveling at a constant speed in a straight line in level flight, it implies that the forces acting on the plane are balanced. To maintain a constant speed, the forces acting in the forward direction must be equal to the forces acting in the opposite direction.

The main forces acting on a jet plane in level flight are:

1. Thrust: This is the force generated by the plane's engines, which propels it forward. In level flight, the thrust force is balanced with the drag force to maintain a constant speed. The engines produce enough thrust to overcome drag and maintain the plane's velocity.

2. Drag: Drag is the resistance force that acts opposite to the direction of motion. It is caused by the interaction of the plane with the air molecules. In level flight, the drag force is equal to the forward thrust force, resulting in a net force of zero and allowing the plane to maintain a constant speed.

3. Weight: Weight is the force exerted on the plane due to gravity. It acts vertically downward through the plane's center of gravity. In level flight, the weight force is balanced by the lift force to keep the plane from ascending or descending.

4. Lift: Lift is the upward force generated by the wings of the plane, opposing the weight force. The lift force is produced by the difference in air pressure between the upper and lower surfaces of the wings. In level flight, the lift force is equal to the weight force, maintaining altitude.

In summary, when a jet plane is traveling at a constant speed in level flight, it means that the thrust force equals the drag force, and the lift force equals the weight force, resulting in a state of balanced forces.