I have to write an english assignment about banning a reality tv show. One of the paragraphs has to be about how 1984 underpins the whole concept of the show. I chose (Next Top Model). I have found a lot of links like unacceptable standards of beauty, manipulation of the family system, doublespeak and doublethink as well as hidden cameras.

Only problem is I can't find anything about how reality tv is UNDERPINNED by 1984 and I'm getting really really confused. And what does it even mean? Underpinned, what does it mean????

So, can anyone tell me how that works?


Underpinned just means that the main ideas in 1984 form the basis or foundation for the main ideas in your paper. You have already named some of these underpinnings: primarily all the things done to control other people's thoughts and actions.

Aaah! Thanks so much! So rather than the specific "link" its the concept behind it? So like the total control of actions - that are being viewed and judged and maybe also psychological control? Would they work.

Thanks again!

"Underpin" is a verb that means to support, strengthen, or provide a foundation for something. In the context of your assignment, when you are asked to explain how 1984 underpins the concept of the reality TV show, it means you need to show how the novel's themes, ideas, or concepts are incorporated or influential in shaping the show.

To demonstrate this connection, you can explore the following aspects:

1. Surveillance and control: In George Orwell's 1984, the government uses advanced surveillance technology to monitor and control its citizens. Similarly, reality TV often employs hidden cameras and constant monitoring of participants' actions and conversations to create drama and entertainment. This parallel reflects how the show uses surveillance as a tool to manipulate contestants and create tension, much like the omnipresent surveillance in the novel.

2. Manipulation of truth and perception: In 1984, the government uses propaganda, doublespeak, and doublethink to manipulate the truth and shape public opinion. Similarly, reality TV often distorts reality and selectively edits footage to create specific narratives and manipulate viewer perceptions. Contestants may be portrayed in a certain light to fit a particular storyline, which is reminiscent of the manipulation of truth found in the novel.

3. Unacceptable standards and conformity: In 1984, the Party enforces rigid standards of beauty, behavior, and thought, promoting conformity and suppressing individuality. Reality TV shows, such as Next Top Model, often perpetuate narrow and unrealistic beauty standards, promoting conformity and impacting viewers' perceptions of beauty and self-worth. This aspect highlights how the problematic standards of beauty prevalent in the show parallel the rigid standards enforced in 1984.

By highlighting these connections, you can argue that the reality TV show you've chosen is underpinned by the themes and concepts found in 1984. Remember to support your claims with examples and evidence from both the novel and the show to strengthen your argument.