one fourth of the childern in room 20 have dogs how many kids have dogs

How many children are in room 20?

20 divided by 4

To find out how many children in room 20 have dogs, you need to know the total number of children in the room. Once you have that information, you can calculate the number of children with dogs using the given proportion.

Let's assume the total number of children in room 20 is N. If one fourth of them have dogs, it means that 1/4 of N have dogs. To calculate this, you can multiply N by 1/4:

Number of children with dogs = N * (1/4)

For example, if there are 20 children in the room, the calculation would be:

Number of children with dogs = 20 * (1/4) = 5

Therefore, if there are 20 children in the room and one fourth of them have dogs, there would be 5 children with dogs.