Write a program that determines the day number (1 to 366) in a year for a date that is provided as input data. As an example, January 1, 2011 is day 1. December 31, 2010 is a day 365. December 31, 2012 is day 366, since 2012 is a leap year. A year is a leap year if it is divisible by four, except that any year divisible by 100 is a leap year only if it is divisible 400. Your program should accept the month, day and year as integers.

can you give me the whole source code? I will all the more learn from it and even practice from it all the more. Thanks

Sure! Here's a step-by-step guide to write a program in Python that determines the day number in a year for a given date:

Step 1: Request user input for the month, day, and year as integers.
Step 2: Initialize a list `days_in_month` with the number of days in each month for a non-leap year.
Step 3: Check if the provided year is a leap year or not by using the conditions mentioned.
Step 4: If the year is a leap year, update the number of days in February to 29.
Step 5: Calculate the day number by summing up the days in the months before the given month and the given day in the current month.
Step 6: Print the calculated day number as output.

Here's the Python code that implements the above steps:

def is_leap_year(year):
if year % 4 == 0:
if year % 100 == 0:
if year % 400 == 0:
return True
return False
return True
return False

def calculate_day_number(month, day, year):
days_in_month = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
if is_leap_year(year):
days_in_month[1] = 29

day_number = sum(days_in_month[:month-1]) + day
return day_number

# Get user input
month = int(input("Enter the month as an integer (1-12): "))
day = int(input("Enter the day as an integer (1-31): "))
year = int(input("Enter the year as an integer: "))

# Calculate the day number
day_number = calculate_day_number(month, day, year)

# Print the result
print("The day number for {}-{}-{} is {}.".format(month, day, year, day_number))

That's it! Now you can run this program and input the date to get the desired day number in a year.

Sure! I can help you with that.

To determine the day number (1 to 366) in a year for a given date, you can follow these steps:

1. Take input from the user for the month, day, and year as integers.
2. Create a list of the number of days in each month of a non-leap year. Let's name it `days_in_month`.
3. Check if the given year is a leap year by applying the provided conditions:
a. If the year is divisible by 4 and not divisible by 100 (except when it is divisible by 400), then it is a leap year.
b. If the leap year condition is satisfied, update `days_in_month` to have 29 days for February instead of 28.
4. Initialize a variable `day_number` as 0 to keep track of the day number in the year.
5. Iterate from month 1 to month - 1:
a. Add the number of days in each month to `day_number` by accessing the corresponding element from `days_in_month`.
6. Finally, add the given day to the `day_number`.
7. Output the `day_number`.

Here's a Python program that implements the above steps:

def is_leap_year(year):
if year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 != 0 or year % 400 == 0):
return True
return False

def day_number_in_year(month, day, year):
days_in_month = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]

if is_leap_year(year):
days_in_month[1] = 29

day_number = 0
for i in range(month - 1):
day_number += days_in_month[i]

day_number += day
return day_number

# Take input from the user
month = int(input("Enter the month as an integer (1-12): "))
day = int(input("Enter the day as an integer (1-31): "))
year = int(input("Enter the year as an integer: "))

# Calculate the day number
day_number = day_number_in_year(month, day, year)

# Output the day number
print("The day number for the provided date is:", day_number)

You can run this program and provide inputs for the month, day, and year to get the corresponding day number.

You'll need to first determine if the year is a leap year by the rules given above:

int isLeap(int year){
int leap=0;
if(year divisible by 4)leap=1;
if(year divisible by 100)leap=0;
if(year divisible by 400)leap=1;
return leap;

Then make an array of cumulative number of days of the previous month, example:
int cndpm(int n){
// n=month, 1=january, ...12 = december
int count[12];
count[2]=59; // 60 for leap year
So for March, cndpm(2) will return the total number of days before March 1st.

I'll let you think about the rest, and post if you need further help.